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We are very active in our ministries within and outside of our congregation. Our ministries encompass all ages and many different locations to help those in need and to further share the hope of eternal life through Christ.  

Children's Ministry

The core of our children's ministry is our education program which is based on the same systems used by public schools with a set of standards that each child achieves. Each year the lessons build on the previous year so that our children are challenged with new ideas and concepts. Throughout the year, we have numerous special activities for the children to promote such as our Easter egg hunt, Trunk or Treat, and other activities.  Our peak event is our Vacation Bible School in July when we spend four days learning about God's Word around a central theme.  Though it is just not for the children as we have activities for all ages!

Teens & Youth Group

Our Youth Group stays active throughout the year, meeting nearly every Sunday evening for Sunday Evening Edification and Devotional (SEED), as well as participating in many area events such as the Teen Leadership Conference, CHRISTeens Youth Rally and Battle of the Youth Groups. At home they are actively participating in service projects, retreats, and assisting with various ministries that the church is involved in.

College Students

The Highway Church becomes a second home for many Harding University students who may hail from any state or one of over 40 countries that are represented at the university. Many of the students take active roles in the church by assisting with children's classes or helping with the worship service. Classes for the college students are offered while Harding University is in session.

Heart Groups

In the early church, Christians often met in small groups in each other's homes to worship and share a meal.  They became intimately connected and together helped each other through the trials and tribulations that they went through at the time. Our Heart Groups are small groups who meet in member's homes during the week and explore the Bible together to encourage each other and build relationships as they did in the early churches. If you would like to join a Heart Group, please use the Contact Form to express your desire.

Mision Para Cristo

Highway supports several missions, but our largest outside mission support is for Mision Para Cristo, in Jinotega, Nicaragua. Benny and Donna Baker live in Jinotega spreading the Word of God to the people of Nicaragua.  Each year, Highway sends a mission team down to the mission to spend a week working for the mission and getting to know the people that are supported by the church. Highway also assembles "Smiles" packages, which are bags filled with toys, candy, and basic supplies, then sent to the children each year at Christmas time. Last year, the Highway church assembled over 4,400 of the 12,000 bags sent to Jinotega! For more information about this work, please visit their website at


128 Highway Church Rd., Judsonia AR   72081

© 2022 Highway Church of Christ.

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